Harungguan Bolon
There are four tribe original generas Simalungun which is popular with acronym SISADAPUR[3], that is:
* Sinaga
* Saragih
* Damanik
* Ancient
Fourth of this genera is result from “ Harungguan Bolon” ( big parley) between 4 big king not to lit into each other and not be each other inimical ( marsiurupan bani hasunsahan sodium legan, rup mangimbang munssuh).
Fourth of the king adalah[4]:
King Nagur is having genera Damanik
Main article for part of this is: Damanik
Damanik means Simada Manik ( owner of head), in language Simalungun, Manik means Tonduy, Sumangat, Tunggung, Halanigan ( motivateds, having charisma, agung/terhormat, most intelligent).
This king comes from South India noblesse from Kerajaan Nagore. At century ke-12, descendant of this Nagur king gets attack from Indian Raja Rajendra Chola, what results dissipating of they are from Pamatang Nagur in area Pulau Pandan so divided to become 3 part as according to his(its male amounts:
* Dazzled Angry ( is reducing Raja Manik Hasian, King Jumorlang, Raja Sipolha, King Siantar, Tuan Raja Sidamanik and Mr. Port King)
* Soro Tilu ( is reducing king genera Nagur around mount Simbolon: Damanik Nagur, Wind, Hajangan, Rih, Malayu, Rappogos, Obsolescence, Rih, Simaringga, Sarasan, Sola)
* Timo Raya ( is reducing king Bornou, Raja Ula and its(the descendant Damanik Tomok)
Besides coming descendant genera Silau Raja, Ambarita Raja, Gurning Raja, Malau Raja, Limbong, Manik Raja is coming from Pulau Samosir and confess Damanik in Simalungun.
King Banua Sobou is having genera Saragih
Main article for part of this is: Saragih
Saragih in language Simalungun means Simada Ragih, which Ragih means arranging, compiles, arranges, so that simada ragih means Pemilik order or regulator, compiler or [code/law] owner.
Its(the descendant is:
* Saragih Garingging which gone abroad to Ajinembah and back to Raya.
* breed Saragih Sumbayak Mr. Great Tongah, Pamajuhi, and Bona nickel Gonrang.
Saragih Garingging then breaks to become 2, that is:
o Dasalak, becomes king in Padang Badagei
o Dajawak, go abroad to Rakutbesi and Tanah Karo and becomes genera Ginting Jawak.
Although clearly seen that there's only 2 descendant Raja Banua Sobou, at epoch Mr. Rondahaim there are some generas confessing x'self as part of Saragih ( affiliates), that is: Turnip, Sidauruk, Simarmata, Sitanggang, Munthe, Sijabat, Sidabalok, Sidabukke, Simanihuruk.
There is another genera confessing as part of Saragih that is Pardalan Tapian, this genera comes from area Samosir.
House Bolon Ancient King in Ancient Causeway, Simalungun.
House Bolon Ancient King in Ancient Causeway, Simalungun.
[ edit] Ancient Having Genera ancient Banua King
! Main article for part of this is: Ancient
Ancient according to language comes from Sanskrit that is Purwa is meaning east, gelagat a period of coming, pegatur, invitors owner, tenungan knowledge, cendekiawan/sarjana.
Its(the descendant is: Fishpond, Sigumonrong, Tua, Sidasuha ( Sidadolog, Sidagambir). Then there are again Purba Siborom Tanjung, Pakpak, Girsang, Tondang, Sihala, Great.
At century ke-18 there are some genera Simamora from Bakkara through Samosir for then permanent in Haranggaol and confess x'self Purba. Ancient of descendant of this Simamora then becomes Purba Manorsa and lives in Tangga Batu and Purbasaribu.
King Saniang Fragon is having genera Sinaga
article for part of this is: Sinaga
Sinaga means Simada Naga, where Naga in deity mythology known as penebab Gempa and Landslide.
Its(the descendant is genera Sinaga in Kerajaan Tanah Jawa, Batangiou in Asahan.
When empire of Majapahit does expansion in Sumatra at century ke-14, team from Jambi led by Panglima Bungkuk to run away to empire of Batangiou and confess that x'self is Sinaga.
According To Taralamsyah Saragih, ancestors they this then becomes king Tanoh Djawa with genera Sinaga Dadihoyong after s(he gives in Mr. Great The Tonggang genera Sinaga from empire of Batangiou in a ritual confronts oath ( Sibijaon)tideman, 1922
Some Sources is telling that Sinaga descendant of king Tanoh Djawa comes Indian, one of them is is menrurut Mr. breed Gindo Sinaga from Mr. Djorlang Hatara.
Some big families Partongah Raja Tanoh Djawa connects it with area Nagaland ( Fragon Soil;Land;Ground) in East India abuting on Myanmar which of course has many equations with habit, face posture and body anatomy and linguistic with tribe Simalungun and other Batak.
Hotchpotch generas
Original tribe hotchpotch Simalungun with terms in vinicity in Pulau Samosir, Silalahi, Karo, and Pakpak generates new generas. The generas that is:
* Sidauruk
* Sidabalok
* Siadari
* Simarmata
* Simanihuruk
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